Our Biewers

“Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place with curators in museums; others we take for walks.” ~ Roger Caras

My Insatiable Love's Quite a Hero

Orio came a really long way from Germany to South Africa. It seemed like ages before I could hold him in my arms, but he was worth the wait. 

This beautiful little Biewer boy is our foundation stud. He is the building block that Solange d'Orio Biewers is built on. With his impressive pedigree, great health and temperament and his gorgeous looks, we have great hopes for his future. 

Tricolore Bobette from Amoureux

Born on the tenth of July 2011, Joni (Mitchell) is our little spitfire of a girl. She is cuddly and loving towards everyone she meets, but her playful personality sometimes gets her into trouble. She adores water and she'll happily get her feet wet while playing with an ice cube. Joni has a great appetite and if we didn't control her diet, she'd be rolling around by now. She would still be damn cute, though.